Sumie Macalpine-Downie 

COSRT accredited therapist offering Single Session, Brief and Open-Ended Therapy to individuals and couples

Brief and/or Open Ended Therapy

Brief Therapy sees the therapist and client agree the focus of the work together and the length of time (or number of sessions).

It is appropriate for many different kinds of problems including:

  • untangling emotional dilemmas
  • dealing with anxiety or stress which may be affecting work or relationships
  • difficulty in communicating with others or being assertive
  • struggling in relationships
  • issues involving marriage, commitment or having children
  • dealing with infidelity
  • sexual problems or difficulties in their sex life.


Open Ended Therapy is therapy with no particular built in end date. It is appropriate where the issues involved might require ongoing support or are of such gravity and/or consequence that the work requires a longer period of time.


The kind of therapy that is most appropriate for the issues presented will be discussed and agreed between the therapist and client before starting.

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